Python and St Patrick

Luck is an often-overlooked aspect of programming. While design is important,

acknowledging the role of luck helps create a more intentional approach. Celebrate the Patron Saint of Ireland this year with 4 tips to stay lucky;

1 Divide and Conquer – split one big problem into two easy pieces with recursion.

2 Increase your surface area for example use BFS as it maybe the fastest way to search (but that’s not true every time)

3 Get programming in the right place at the right time, and follow Tim Davie’s advice for BBC “Focus on where we’re utterly different.”

4 Trusting on luck means you can cut your losses faster – pivot when things aren’t working out.

Word of caution – St. Patrick is usually depicted with his foot on a snake…

So does clever brute force bring luck?

For the prepared and proactive yes.

St Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland right?

And by checking out divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms and knowing how many subarray you can discount based on info (like shortest path)

Your luckiest AI March : is pending.